x senn_yuen

Image by Brandon Cobalt

Image by Brandon Cobalt

x is an Afro-Chinese-Jamaican, second generation (im)migrant, that investigates post-structural and hyper-accessible frameworks of their own design. As a TRANSdisciplinary artist, x interrogates the performativity of self and the embodiment of trauma drawing upon the overwhelming confusion of their lived experiences. Their work manifests as installation, dance-theatre, mixed media tchotchkes and pseudo-Expressionist oil paintings. x is a recipient of the Emerging Artist Initiative Fund, Disability. Dance. Artistry. Dance and Social Justice Fellowship Program, and Voice of the Valley Sound Artist Grant. x also participated in the Fall 2019 Needing It residency at Brooklyn Arts Exchange. x is the founder, executive director, and artistic director of {amdpc}, a multi-dimensional performance company, a grassroots collective of artivists.


The Dual Studies of Manic Transcendence

Image by Brandon Cobalt

Image by Brandon Cobalt


The Dual Studies of Manic Transcendence will exist as a dance-theatre piece, mockumentary, and archive. The dance-theatre piece will be a solo show where x will take on the character of their 22-year-old self, psych techs, social workers, and psychiatrists from their 2018 hospitalization at Cayuga Medical Center. The dance-theatre piece will explore the performativity of self and identity through a slew of characters, employing the style and approach of magical realism and the discordance of post-modern performance art.